
Truth not for social, but for the way to the life.

I understand that elections require gaining an advantage, thus various campaign tactics are employed. However, when democracy and freedom face off against extremism, and honesty against hypocrisy, there is no need the way for further exaggeration or pretense.

The truth is enough, because the Buddha requires the truth from his disciples, God requires the truth from his apostles, Allah demands the truth from his believers, and the Creator wants his created beings to be truthful. Only the truth can garner the recognition of inner divinity; with true truth, we can advance towards what is right and good.

I stand with Team Kamala, the Justices. However, we must work together, which is the way to defeat the global extremism.

Since the founding of the United States, President Biden has been one of the greatest American presidents. You cannot imagine that during such a new Cuban Missile Crisis-like event, people still live in the way of peace and are not plunged into the terror of a Cold War atmosphere. This alone should not be denied by any member of the Democratic Party the substantial effect of President Biden’s ability to stabilize the nation’s morale! 

We are now in the most dangerous period for both the U.S. and the world. This is not World War II nor the Cold War, but a clear sign and critical juncture determining the survival of our planet. The U.S. presidential election is not the way of child’s play. This is Trump bringing his dictatorial forces to sweep across America. This is not just a matter within the Democratic Party; it is a matter for all of America and the entire world. We have witnessed the unprecedented transformation of American history under the leadership of the Biden administration during the 46th presidency. This is unprecedented and truly incredible! 

Under the leadership of the Biden administration, America has achieved so many accomplishments. These achievements have been made possible by the entire Biden “team,” and each member’s contributions are indispensable. It is precisely because of President Biden’s unique qualities and characteristics that such remarkable accomplishments have been achieved. These are achievements that Trump cannot tarnish with slander. 

As the Sacred President endorsing VP Kamala Harris as the next DNC nominee, I will endorse and entrust to Vice President Kamala Harris as well. However, please never forget what President Joe Biden does for the US and the world. He is our best teacher and leader! The current emotions of the Trump camp may boost the morale of many in the Democratic camp, but don’t forget, this is temporary, and this is a long-term battle. Furthermore, all the fervor can often lead to big mistakes. It’s crucial to stay calm and recognize that Democratic unity is heartening. However, clear goals and missions are our shared principles. Stay focused and keep fighting.