

The Conservative Promise

The Conservative Promise aims for the opening salvo of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project, launched by the Heritage Foundation to give the Americans Pro-Life and Life-Affirming choices.

Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.

By enacting a nationwide abortion ban and ask CDC should require monitoring women’s pregnancy without HIPPA privacy protection.

Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.

By reforming the Department of Justice including FBI with a-top-to-bottom overhaul under the supervision and control of the President.

Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.

By close the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and replace with a new "stand-alone border and immigration agency at the Cabinet level."

Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”

By launching OPERATION AURORA at the Federal Level and invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to target and dismantle every migrant criminal network operating on American Soil.

Fatherlessness is one of the principal sources of American poverty, crime, mental illness, teen suicide, substance abuse, rejection of the church, and high school dropouts.
Because the male–female dyad is essential to human nature and because every child has a right to a mother and father, three-parent embryo creation and human cloning research should be banned.

By being a hero as a chance to be a mother for honor, there will be a 50-state “backdoor ban” on abortion — without Congress — and jail health care providers.

Second, the abortion medication, which is also used in a range of ways to protect women’s health, will be banned.

Third, women’s miscarriages and abortions will be reported to Trump’s Federal Government.

Fourth, limitations on contraception access will be put.

Fifth, President Biden’s protections for a woman’s right to life-saving medical care will be ripped away.

Sixth, discrimination against LGBTQ+ Americans will be enabled.

Reissue Trump’s schedule F executive order to permit discharge of nonperforming employees.
Boldness to bend or break the bureaucracy to the presidential will.
Conservatives have long believed in either ending law enforcement activities of independent agencies or ending their independent status.
The next conservative Administration must make every effort to obtain the resources to support a vast expansion of the number of appointees in every office and component across the department—especially in the Civil Rights Division, the FBI, and the EOIR.
"[This] would also place the FBI under a politically accountable leader."

By making it easier to fire non-partisan government employees, like they attempted to do at the end of Trump’s administration.

Second, they’d replace them with politically appointed Trump Loyalists.

Third, ending the independence of the Department of Justice and FBI...

Fourth, …and turn them into enforcement arms of the White House.

To truly secure the homeland, a conservative Administration needs to return the department to the right mission, the right size, and the right budget. This would include reorganizing the department and shifting significant resources away from several supporting components to the essential operational components. Prioritizing border security and immigration enforcement, including detention and deportation, is critical if we are to regain control of the border, repair the historic damage done by the Biden Administration, return to a lawful and orderly immigration system, and protect the homeland from terrorism and public safety threats. This also includes consolidating the pieces of the fragmented immigration system into one agency to fulfill the mission more efficiently.

And how about the original intention against the terrorism protected by the cooperation with the Sacred Article 5 of the NATO?

Increase allied counterterrorist burden- sharing.

By the former President Donald Trump’s announcement:

Message and Content

In this speech, former President Donald Trump portrays the United States as being under occupation, referring to it as “OCCUPIED AMERICA.” He vows that November 5th, 2024—the date of the upcoming presidential election—will be “LIBERATION DAY,” implying a reclaiming of the nation from perceived invaders. Trump specifically mentions the city of Aurora and other towns, asserting that they have been “invaded and conquered” by “vicious and bloodthirsty criminals,” whom he plans to imprison or expel from the country.

He honors individuals—Jocelyn Nungaray, Laken Riley, and Rachel Morin—who he states have been killed or wounded by migrants who should not have been allowed into the United States. Trump announces “OPERATION AURORA,” a federal initiative aimed at expediting the removal of what he calls a “savage gang.” He intends to invoke the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 to target and dismantle migrant criminal networks on American soil.

Finally, Trump criticizes Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing her of inflicting violence and terror on the community, and declares that she should never become President of the United States.

Historical Significance

1. Alien Enemies Act of 1798: Trump’s intention to invoke this act is significant. The Alien Enemies Act was one of the four laws passed under the Alien and Sedition Acts during John Adams’ presidency. It authorizes the president to detain or deport citizens of a hostile nation during times of war. Historically, it has been used sparingly and is considered controversial due to concerns about civil liberties.

2. Immigration and National Security: The speech reflects longstanding debates in American history regarding immigration and its impact on national security and societal cohesion. It echoes earlier periods of nativism and anti-immigrant sentiment, such as the Red Scare of the 1920s.

3. Political Rhetoric: Labeling the current state of America as “occupied” and declaring a “liberation day” is a stark use of wartime language in a domestic political context. This rhetoric can be compared to past instances where political figures have used militaristic language to mobilize support, such as during the Civil Rights Movement or the War on Drugs.

Implications of ‘War’ (Internal and External)

Internal Implications:

Polarization: The speech may deepen societal divisions by framing immigration as an existential threat, potentially leading to increased hostility toward immigrant communities.

Civil Unrest: The use of terms like “occupied” and “liberation” could incite unrest or embolden extremist groups who may interpret this as a call to action against perceived enemies within the country.

Policy Changes: Invoking the Alien Enemies Act could lead to aggressive immigration enforcement, impacting civil liberties and possibly leading to legal challenges.

External Implications:

International Relations: Such rhetoric could strain diplomatic relations with countries from which the migrants originate, affecting trade and cooperation on international issues.

Global Perception: The depiction of America as occupied and the aggressive stance toward migrants may alter global perceptions of the United States as a nation of immigrants, potentially diminishing its moral authority on human rights issues.

Critical Considerations

Factual Accuracy: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no public record of Kamala Harris inflicting violence and terror on any community. Such claims would require substantial evidence to be credible.

Named Individuals: The mention of Jocelyn Nungaray, Laken Riley, and Rachel Morin appears to be intended to personalize the impact of crimes committed by migrants. It’s important to approach such claims with caution and verify the circumstances surrounding these individuals.

Inflammatory Language: The speech employs strong, emotive language that could be considered inflammatory. This might escalate tensions and contribute to an environment of fear and hostility.


Donald Trump’s speech is a call to action framed in militaristic terms, portraying immigration as an invasion that requires a forceful response. The historical significance lies in its invocation of old legislation and its reflection of recurring themes in American politics regarding immigration and national identity. The potential implications are significant, possibly affecting domestic harmony and international relations. It is crucial to critically assess the claims made and consider the broader impact of such rhetoric on society.

Some information credit to